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Forums - Sports - wooden floor exports amounted

wooden floor exports amounted

Posted by Liu Yi over 6 months ago

In 2007 this The upcoming flooring industry "big reshuffle" competition, who will proudly stand in the top of the market, wait and see!Ningbo wooden floor exports fell sharply According to Ningbo Customs statistics, in January Ningbo wooden floor exports amounted to 5.78 million US dollars, down 63.8%. Recently, the US International Trade Commission (ITC) on the world's 38 wood flooring business "337 investigation" to make the final ruling that these companies in the United States sales of the floor of the invasion of the Netherlands Unilin, the Italian flooring industry and the United States Unilin North Carolina Flooring company floor lock patent, China 18 wood flooring business involved. Affected by this, Ningbo in January on the US wooden floor exports to zero, while the same period last year to 8.19 million US dollars. Vigorously develop the key technologies and core technologies with independent intellectual property rights, and strive to improve the original innovation, integration innovation and the introduction of digestion and absorption Related links: [url=]difference between pvc and composite fences[/url] [url=]composite 1x8 wall panels roof garden[/url] [url=]cheap recycled plastic lumber[/url]