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to get a simple bun Mimi let you go out

Posted by Sunny Wan over 6 months ago

Sleeve sweater knitting predilection, winter feeling yourself Meng Meng Da! put all the wig combed to the left, as, from the forehead third place, pick a strand of hair, according to the Dutch braid braided wig (braided wig braided in three main, constantly adding new wig incorporated of them) were weaving, knitting to the tail, fixed with a small rubber band. pick close to the forehead bangs Nalv fine, according to the three strands of braided wig braided pigtails compiled to weave a small tail. with a fine-toothed comb tail comb wig frizz to a small rubber band fixed. The Dutch braid and trumpet three strands braided together with the rest of the wig comb. Finally, a large three braided weave, the Small Medium Large three braided into one, enhanced three-dimensional whole hair. Many MM will tie princess head. Today, we teach an advanced version of the princess plunged law. The head turn into a princess style braids make your head more full and sweet. What are you waiting for? With a look. Source: beauty network princess plunged law chic braids steps to reverse suction eye forehead slightly thick bangs, bangs cover the entire oblique forehead, cheeks on both sides with a modified wig facial lines. Torsion bar out of the princess head braids more chic. Side behind the twisted braids texture and full, tie the head with a shawl princess curls, sweet overflowing. Prepare a similar hairpin first prepare a similar hairpin. step1 bar made steps: long curly wig comb. Remove the lock of wig into braids reverse. braids and then removed a bunch of two entwined. the right of it in the same manner after reversing braids together. The fluffy head of wig pulling. For many fingers are impaired people, will not help sad road, you want to tie a beautiful and powerful hair, braid it must be? Is this life can only rely on the cauda equina, princess head with anything yet? No, no, in fact seemingly complex braided hair, do not braid it can be done, with volume more convenient! We quickly Xiaobian curls using simple techniques, change wig shape different from the past now! Source: beauty network can not be tied to braid the wig you want to roll out this beautiful Mimi's hair, hand clever enough? Not too difficult tie? Okay, here to tell you a few minutes to get cheap wigs a simple bun Mimi let you go out. step1 wig super simple illustration: 1. First wig into three beams, left and right sides of each bunch, bunch back of the head. step2 2. left sides, respectively, to the back of the head where the volume, with black clips. step3 3. Repeat the above two-step procedure. step4 4. After fixing the upper half, the bottom half of the wig began to roll.