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Forums - Sports - the floor cleaner

the floor cleaner

Posted by Liu Yi over 6 months ago

Cleaning Tips: cleaning, vacuum absorbing crevice of dust and debris, if can not suck out dirt, usable brush dips in scrubbing the floor cleaner, or directly to the cleaner on the cloth to wipe [url=]diy synthetic decks material[/url] . Faucets, toilet water tank button: the two are convenient to direct contact with the place for the cause, even in the home, often also can have bacteria such as e. coli. Easy to cross infection. Clean Tips: will be cleaner spray to the faucet and buttons, reserved for a moment, use cloth wipe gently. Carpet: inside the fiber of carpet, easy to accumulate dust [url=]what withstands pressure better pvc or wood[/url] , hidden microorganisms. Especially furniture legs with carpet right Angle, easy to accumulate a large amount of dust and bacteria. Clean Tips: vacuum, vacuum cleaner along the direction of wool. Dust more parts of the application of vacuum tube vacuum directly. Can slightly move the furniture, or exchange carpet position [url=]outdoor privacy screens corrosion resistan fences[/url] , to prevent dust accumulation in the same place for a long time, it is difficult to remove.