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Forums - Sports - sides of the floor

sides of the floor

Posted by Liu Yi over 6 months ago

examine the merchant's product reports, inspection reports is very necessary. Abrasion resistance to last. Appropriate thin unfavorable thick geothermal on the floor, so the complex surface layer generally in 0.3 0.6 mm [url=]composite decking market share leaders[/url] . Main surface paint abrasion resistance value is higher than the traditional index. Wood is the sexual material, wood fiber is longitudinal arrangement, under the microscope is porous material [url=]non slip stickers for bathtub wpc floor[/url] , wood lined up vertical tube, wood minimum longitudinal deformation, moisture conduction velocity was the fastest; The width of lumber (radial chord) moisture conduction deformation is very slow [url=]cheap outdoor decks singapore[/url] . South China air humidity, air relative humidity when the highest can amount to 85% above, the equilibrium moisture content 16% the left and right sides of the floor, even in the northeast and north China [url=]outdoor handrail for installation steps[/url] , six to nine months of the rainy season, the equilibrium moisture content of floor of 13-15%,