rare endangered species
Posted by Liu Yi over 6 months ago
Zhu Lin attestation of rare endangered species, carbon collects precious of management sex of attestation of service of environment of zoology of attestation, [url=http://outdoordeckmanufacturer.com/eco/10645.html]recycled plastic planks[/url] forest, production forest the domain such as attestation and attestation of silvan fire prevention, already issued executive country standard 2, occupation standard 23.
The silvan area that passes attestation exceeds 8.75 million hectare, 44 the home, produce and sale superintend attestation forest management unit chain company 29, [url=http://outdoordeckmanufacturer.com/eco/7380.html]pvc panels for outside use[/url] already label of attestation of to load of forest products of much money woodiness and forest products of woodiness of 7 kinds of big blame enters the market.
Come from lumber of tropics of PEFC, [url=http://timberoutdoordeck.com/wholesale-deck/877.html]cheapest way to build a patio deck[/url] international to organize (ITTO) wait for international organization, the silvan attestation orgnaization of the country such as Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesian, New Zealand, Korea, Vietnam, Burmese, Laos, Romania, England is represented and expert, and Committee on Certification of forest of national forestry bureau, China, nearly 130 people attended the delegate of company of treatment of organization of government of [url=http://timberoutdoordeck.com/eco-deck/3592.html]market segmentation of wpc in malaysia[/url] orgnaization of orgnaization of education of domestic forestry scientific research, silvan management unit, attestation, blame, forest products and expert the conference.