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of flooring raw materials

Posted by Liu Yi over 6 months ago

the development of Bolivia, Peru's forest resources, and the establishment of production bases for professional procurement. Overall, the gold billion accounted for 30% -40% of the domestic South American material resources, the annual purchase of the file on the floor of more than 200 million square meters, in addition to ants wood, fragrant wings and two beans accounted for, twin leaves hematoxylin, Common varieties, but also include satiety (Brazilian mahogany), fallen beans, iron hematoxylin, tarsi hematoxylin these rare species. To meet the production needs of the plant, the billion also set up a special timber supply company in Shanghai, becoming the country's largest supplier of flooring raw materials. The advantages of this resource, making the gold billion floor has the ability to dominate the market. In many floor manufacturers to reduce investment, or to other investment in the case, the billions of floor instead of large-scale market, and jumped into the market giant. Related links: [url=]hard plastic swimming pool flooring[/url] [url=]difference between and patio deck price per sqft[/url] [url=]outdoor decks in saudi arabia[/url]