industrial lumber price
Posted by Liu Yi over 6 months ago
Because the industrial lumber price of Baltic country and Sweden drops, the management profit that the lumber of forestry supplies a section decreased 10.3% , drop 7.8 million euro.[url=]composite wood swimming pool[/url] This branch production value is 401.2 million euro, dropped compared to the same period 2.6% . Of log deliver goods the quantity is 8.4 million M3, comparative with the horizontal cardinal principle last year.
Turnover of whole Metsä group is 1.156 billion euro, dropped compared to the same period 7.9% . The profit before tax interest depreciation and amortize and management profit is [url=]composite flooring tiles for decks[/url] mixed for 173 million euro respectively 106.8 million euro, decrease compared to the same period 7.6% with 9.3% . The profit before duty and pure profit are 10 thousand euro of 87.8 million euro and 6 830 respectively, dropped 17.2% with 22.9% .
Industry of sanded timber of plum of subordinate of sanded group of plum of Finnish forestry tycoon (MetsäWood) held international to build design contest recently, demand city builds new plan, resolve the housing demand that urban district increases quickly. This ' city The City Above The City of the sky ' [url=]wood plastic composite products sale[/url] international contest also is Plan B of industry of Mei Sha timber at the same time namely the one part of B plan project, the purpose of whole project is to promote lumber to build medium use in urban district.