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floor laying indoor

Posted by Liu Yi over 6 months ago

Three, in the laying, the floor the moisture content of not less than 6%.Forsythia suspensa: this is mainly because the solid wood floor is not caused by regular drying treatment.So at the time of installation can be a layer of plastic film covered under the floor, on one hand, play a role of moisture-proof and prevent the warping of the floor, on the other hand has a certain sound insulation effect. In addition two or three days in advance to be placed on the floor laying indoor, so that the timber to meet the indoor temperature, but also to prevent sticking. Now, an increasing number of families with the laying of the floor, The quality of the frequent occurrence of accidents caused by wood, such as case become warped, moldy, delamination, crack or gap is too large, there was a noise of walking. Often consumers see when such a situation arises, my initial reaction was of wood quality is not good, need to find wood flooring dealers to claim compensation.However, more may be due to the improper installation of the installation workers. " [url=]installing plastic floor under deck[/url] , [url=]cost of installing composite decking[/url] , [url=]outside wpc decking floor[/url] , [url=]picket fence of gardens[/url] "