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floor and wall

Posted by Liu Yi over 6 months ago

Recently, they draw up a management plan, but I didn't agree with, the house is now can't live, I just want to change the house." Into the east room, Mr Tong home obviously felt not to annoy, constitute the musty smell after rain. (fine decoration), insulation board, floor and wall has been removed in another room, the east room of the three air holes were sealed, wall and ground are also special processing. "Do not make too, I have to pay for testing." Mr Tong, then presented a radiation test report at the end of 2004, the above stated: bedroom (2) the formaldehyde to exceed bid, normal should be 0.08, 0.20 now. "Easy, high price buy a hardcover room, who had bought between 'poison' residence." Mr Tong was very angry. According to introducing, this belongs to high-grade residential building in gold corridor land parcel. Yesterday, according to the relevant manager of development department will acceptance when decorating material, Mr Tong house'll think of some way to continue to repair, such as negotiation allows court judgment. " [url=]Wpc cost compare to conventional wood boards[/url] , [url=]composite decking south africa[/url] , [url=]best quality pvc ceiling materials[/url] , [url=]cost of decking per square metre[/url] "