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first is to carry out

Posted by Liu Yi over 6 months ago

decoration for your reference. 1, why do preparatory work before a putty dry before the next can not blow putty? A: Generally speaking, the family decoration wall putty do two times, first is to carry out leveling on the entire wall, second times to no place to do local processing level. Sometimes we will find that the wall putty arch up, why is this? According to the observation, the reason for this is because most of the first times putty is not completely dry workers took second times Nizi blow, results in the drying process in the first second times putty putty arch up. What needs to be done before 2, ceilings and walls painted? Answer: in the home decoration construction process, sometimes due to the tight schedule, so the necessary procedure is easy to paint workers omitted; the operation of the workers for example: before the walls and ceiling paint brush, was supposed to be a wall cleaning and the dust on the wall, excess Nizi sweep clean, do some processing on the cracks, do the walls and ceilings and wood products of the border protection, avoid wood products, paint by brush, these are good in the paint brush before. 3, why the surface of wood product nailhole repair is the key? Answer: for wood products, wood in the production process, whether it is the use of ordinary nails or use nail, will inevitably leave the nail holes on the surface, and an important work is to paint workers nailhole good repair; the painter will nail eye patches within a certain distance is very ugly, and poor sense of responsibility of paint repair [url=]use composite screw on wood[/url] [url=]wood composite floor joists[/url] [url=]outdoor wood cladding[/url]