Who is dominant
Posted by Rousutt Rousutt over 6 months ago
Even if you already are a full-50CC, + 13 50 powder, also has its own value. As a matter of opinion, to see how much you can be applied. Ado, the center of this paper is to focus on the relationship between two words to start so-called maximum and available values. For example, everyone knows that element brush figure, released Pobai suffice. After only heap intelligence or crit can be. Later, it was suggested that intelligence and enhanced to a certain extent should pursue crit. Here is the release of certain so-called available values. Another example brush map, high-strength DNF weapon or damage caused by the overflow of high intelligence, capable of killing the strange injury (that is strange blood) is called available values. Part of the excess is maximum. Simply put, the so-called maximum DNF equipment is available to your various panel attributes; the available values, is that you can actually play out the property. To brush map, the available value is the monster blood; in DNF pk, the available value is injury protection system and you can actually take advantage of the speed attributes. Why has not relate to this problem? Because the version updated to today, has gradually began to appear DNF property and equipment exceeds available attributes the character of the situation. Next open ancient especially after 2. So among the largest property and through the choice of available properties discussed, it becomes meaningful. Now three skill damage, can be compared http://www.dfostock.com with the past 10 skills, then the so-called plus-point, will produce flow naturally. How to choose DNF equipment, property, and equipment selection to change based on DNF plus points, so as to play a usable value is not wasteful situation. But also created a new topic, how to change and improve operations (such as hand speed and skill in order), to improve the speed of your personal values may be used. The so-called good horse with a good saddle, how to get DNF equipment becomes part of you, not conflicting with your burden. DNF pk enthusiasts also very valuable for the topic. Maximum and available values related to all aspects of the game, you can move freely use, but to stimulate it here. For example Well, the remains of a race you know, from the first minute and a half, and now Nvzei of 36 seconds, when the overflow hurt when people had decided to speed diagram becomes a moving speed, and finally into a who run fast who is dominant, and this thing is not funny ha ha ha ha. As another example, such as ice driving, let the monster completely slow down, slow down and let the monster 80%, within the duration of the effect to disperse the ice wall, enough damage for a teammate to make almost no difference. Such excess SP, can be allocated to other skills. Another example. Element fill awakening spike DNF BOSS, and three full level awakening + tenrai can spike DNF BOSS, the latter than the former. Because more applicable more full level tenrai later.