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Treatment Measures of Asphalt Concrete Pavement Damage and Maintenance Method

Posted by Liu Yi over 6 months ago

As the highway speed, traffic volume, overweight vehicles, coupled with the external climate (sunlight, rain and snow) and other factors, the road disease than the average speed of the road, the rapid development of governance is difficult, and over time The extension of the increasingly serious impact on the normal driving of vehicles. How to diagnose and remediate highway pavement diseases has become a new research topic in highway industry. In this paper, the diseases encountered in the remediation of asphalt concrete pavement of expressway and its remedial measures are introduced. In the common asphalt pavement disease, according to the damage of the type of disease, mainly in the following categories: cracking disease crack, crack, all kinds of vertical and horizontal cracks; deformation of the disease rut, subsidence, with package, washboard, wave; Loose disease loose, peeling, peeling, pits, eating side; other diseases pump slurry, pan oil, polished and so on. Second, the causes of disease: �� vertical and horizontal cracks in the surface of the disease, and the cause of most of the grass-roots or soil-based, poor bridge fill, bridges, culverts and road joints will also cause transverse or even the wrong platform. �� surface caused by vertical and horizontal cracks, some in the surface layer repair, the joints of the old and new surface of the improper handling, bonding is not good, resulting in edge cracks. (3) The excavation at the boundary of the excavation and the excavation is not enough, or the original ground of the excavation at the boundary of the excavation and excavation is not excavated, the clay deposited on the excavated surface is not turned away, Of the deformation caused by the surface of the vertical and horizontal cracks. �� roadbed construction in the use of the original roadbed within the old road, or construction of roads and other new ground with the filling of the junction, the pressure is not true or inconsistent degree of compaction, when used in traffic, soil deformation caused by inconsistent vertical and horizontal crack. �� Bridge, culverts back to fill the soil is not true, or soil-based fill although the embankment to achieve the degree of compaction, and bridge, culvert concrete and soil-based part of the junction of the uneven deformation or contraction, resulting Bridge, culvert end of the transverse joints or the wrong platform. �� Subgrade compaction degree is not enough, causing uneven deformation of roadbed, can also lead to longitudinal cracks in the road. [url=]Top Rated road Comprehensive Material[/url] [url=]Chinese Road Thermal Spray Gun Manufacturer[/url] [url=]Upscale crack repair machine manufacturer[/url]