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Forums - Sports - Multifunctional asphalt pavement maintenance vehicle

Multifunctional asphalt pavement maintenance vehicle

Posted by Liu Yi over 6 months ago

(1) cold asphalt pavement, slurry seal and modified emulsified asphalt technology innovation: cold asphalt pavement, is a fast, emergency repair of asphalt pavement. Especially in the rainy season, damaged roads such as can not be repaired in time, the expansion of potholes and the speed of damage to the road is very alarming. As the road after the rain moist, usually using emulsified asphalt mixture of asphalt to repair potholes. But the process is too simple, the road maintenance who did not regard it as one thing, casually with emulsified asphalt mixing into a mixture, hastily fill up the pit, heavy vehicles over, loose mixture flying everywhere. Even in the ordinary road, this method is only as an expedient measure, let alone a highway. However, rain repair pit asphalt pits, cold fill process is necessary. Therefore, in the cold fill materials, processes and equipment also need to have a lot of innovation and progress in the asphalt pavement conservation industry promotion and application. (2) emulsified asphalt in road maintenance applications: emulsified asphalt, such as through the use of emulsified polymer to modify, because of its large adhesion, modified asphalt emulsion performance (bearing capacity, anti-cracking, anti-rut Performance) is also greatly improved. Here are the technical innovations: modified asphalt emulsion machine. Emulsion modified asphalt polymer can be emulsified asphalt in the process of adding, can also be the first two emulsification and then mixed. Although the use of colloid mill, but the choice of emulsifiers and various components of the measuring device and the process parameters of the process can not be careless. Here the focus of innovation is modified emulsified leaching metering devices and process automation system. [url=]hydraulic hand saw[/url] [url=]cheap double steel wheel roller buying online[/url] [url=]how Choose best Backpack blowers[/url]