It still sees its share of domestic violence
Posted by Rousutt Rousutt over 6 months ago
But like the rest of the nation, it still sees its share of domestic violence. Berberian calls domestic violence Marin's most prevalent crime. Of all crimes that police in all cities of Marin County were referred to so far this year, 545 cases were for domestic violence. That was 154 more than the next six categories assault, child abuse, elder abuse, gang-related activity, sexual assault, and homicide combined. Berberain notes that Marin does better than most counties in California; however, domestic violence on the whole knows no income class or racial demographics, and figures tend to trend the same across all groups.Hedlund refers to stats of domestic violence in the United States such as a woman being assaulted once every nine seconds, 1 in 5 teenage girls having been threatened by a boyfriend, and victims combined losing 8 million days of paid work per year as reason alone to open the conversation about connecting child behavior and the media they consume. It's difficult to nail down exact figures on domestic violence due to the nature of it occurring between people with entrenched relationships. For intervention on domestic violence to occur, the legal system needs to be involved, but in most cases, it's hard to prosecute an aggressor when the victim doesn't or won't cooperate due to fear, worry, or simply the level of intimacy and dependency involved in their relationship with the aggressor.With those stats in mind, Hedlund and Berberian aren't naïve to think that one month of awareness will solve all the problems with the culture of violence and toys. At a minimum and perhaps most important is my hope that parents would open a dialogue with their kids about firearms in general; their use and the safe handling of these potentially deadly instruments, Berberian said via email. He wants the exchange to kick off a debate and a conversation in homes about toys that are meant to played in one way: by shooting.He ties the use of toy guns, even violent Runescape games, to situations like the police shooting and killing of Andy Lopez in Santa Rosa, a town 30 miles north of Novato. The equating of guns, Runescape games and police shootings is a little tenuous to some, as noted by several emails Berberian said he received following the initial announcement of the exchange, but he intonates that the connections are there.