I do not understand
Posted by Smarthuiyuan Smarthuiyuan over 6 months ago
Practised on our client for several weeks before it went live, developing strategies and getting knowledgeable about the litter and encounters," Minmaxed explained. "I believe the majority of the guild could have liked C'Thun to be harder, but when speaking about the entire'mathematically impossible' C'Thun I don't necessarily think it was as much about maths as it was about the experience being bugged with tentacles spawning inside of walls and shining your stunt while being from line of sight."
Those germs look like the main obstacle in the way of Blizzard putting C'Thun to WoW Classic in his original form. But here's my pitch: Leave 'em in.
Yeah, it is going to be bothersome if your lead dps gets bodied unfairly, but that is Classic. The game's an unbalanced relic, and also the folks knee deep in the beautiful mess are all thirsting for a fall of that old frustration. I refuse to believe a neighborhood that enjoys grinding farming and honor Scarlet Monastery would be put off by two or three bug-induced raid wipes.
For yet another perspective on C'Thun I wanted to speak with a regular raiding guild, one that came to AQ40 prepared but to a far lesser extent than those I previously talked to. Merrilia is an officer from Dopamin. Even this guild, the type of guild you could find on any server full of regular players, would be eager to attempt a pre-nerf C'Thun run, albeit with a few of those pesky bugs eliminated. "Pre-nerf C'Thun are interesting to try out," Merrilia explained. "That said it depends upon how many'bugs' are included in the pre nerf variant and if these bugs were overly game breaking to allow for a kill in any way."
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