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Forums - Sports - Cycle Lanes: beware good intentions!

Cycle Lanes: beware good intentions!

Posted by Liu Yi over 6 months ago

The bespoke design of the WJ Guardian system allows the complete road stud installation process to take place while protecting operatives within an integrated safety cell of an 18tonne truck.The UK has used 12 million road studs on its national and local road network,[url=]Anti rain series paving supplies[/url] all requiring maintenance or replacement at some point. Traditional methods of installation by hand or milling machine require operatives to be in the centre of the carriageway and, therefore, at risk of injury while working within live traffic conditions. That risk varies from site to site, but always with a need for safety zones,[url=]crack filler for sale in oman[/url] either stop/stop type traffic management or road closures, to comply with the regulatory requirements.The WJ Guardian method does not negate this need for safety zones, but it does significantly reduce the actual safe work zone required. The method ensures that the operatives do not need to stand and operate equipment from the opposite carriageway to the vehicle. Instead, they are protected within the vehicle’s safety cell as well as within a regulated safety zone. The development provides designers with the potential to eliminate a substantial number of road closures and reduce disruption within communities close to the work. WJ’s recent development focus has been on designing out risk through engineering and using its road marking vehicles as a protective safety barrier (see box). The patent pending WJ Guardian road stud installation technology is Phase 2 of a development project led by WJ’s engineering division in Elland,[url=]high-quality crack glue[/url] West Yorkshire in the UK. With computer-aided design (CAD) software, phase 1 involved development of a lateral moving milling head so the installation vehicle would not need to straddle the centre of the road. CAD was used to simulate and validate the mechanical and physical properties of the design,[url=]micro surfacing pavement[/url] ensuring that a legally compliant, robust and safe process was achieved even before component parts were manufactured and the truck was built.