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A road "Milestone" project

Posted by Liu Yi over 6 months ago

Construction projects in dense urban or suburban areas are among the most crucial to our national infrastructure, yet they also tend to be the least applauded.There are no gorgeous vistas to consider in photographs, no access offered on completion to theretofore unreachable beauties. Mostly, people just get to work quicker. Yet this characteristic should never be underestimated in its value.[url=]asphalt recycling machine use for road resurfacing[/url] Nor should the value of a job—any job—well done. It was with this simple goal in mind—a job well done—that Milestone Contractors LP, in partnership with the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT), undertook the full-depth reconstruction (FDR) and expansion of a 3.4-mile segment of I-65 just south of Indianapolis, and as a result earned the National Asphalt Pavement Association’s (NAPA) Quality in Construction Award.[url=]Vibratory Roller Prices[/url] The Indiana General Assembly set aside $400 million in the 2014-2015 state budget for the “Major Moves 2020” trust fund. During the 2015 legislative session, INDOT successfully argued that the funding would be better invested in widening and rehabbing existing interstates. As a result, I-65 was one of six projects recommended after INDOT studied interstate congestion, pavement condition and bridge condition data. Ultimately,[url=]how to patch asphalt driveway potholes?[/url] an investment was made, to the tune of $35 million, to revitalize this piece of the corridor. The project was located on the south side of Indianapolis and bridged two counties, between Southport Road (MM 103.2) to County Line Road (MM 100.8) in Marion County, and from County Line Road to Main Street (MM 99.2) in Johnson County. The project impacted northbound (NB) and southbound (SB) directions of travel,[url=]best cheap asphalt pavement milling machine[/url] as well as three interchange locations, which serve major commercial and industrial zones.“We had a lot of different traffic patterns, as you might imagine, due to the interchanges and volume of traffic,” Dave Speer, general Indianapolis area superintendent for Milestone Contractors LP, told Roads & Bridges. “There’s quite a lot of truck traffic on this stretch, shipping and hauling in and out. We wound up having five phases of traffic management as a result.”